This company name, N2 Consulting, LLC., was named with the respect to the Samurai Spirit of Aizu Domain, where the antient people in the area followed the rule; Naranukoto-wa Naranu. While this phrase is now well known as simply “No means No (You should not do anything wrong),” this originally had another meaning too; you have to do what you supposed to do. This could meet the important ethical values in the development and business activities, in the pharmaceutical, medical device, regenerative medicine, and/or the related industries, where the each of works directly and/or indirectly related to the human lives.

  • Names and natures do often agree.  This company, named after the valuable sprits, would therefore provide the services of the following:
    • Compliance
      • Should always act for ethical, social, and scientific rightness
      • Should not do any violation of law and the relevant regulations
      • Should not do any unfaithful business and/or development activities
    • High Quality
      • Should always act to contribute for the improvement of QOLs
      • Should always work to lead the satisfactions by the stakeholders (clients, patients, etc.)
        • “Quality” of Services to provide
        • “Speed” of Services to provide
        • Continuously obtain the adequate knowledge and skills, required
    • “Should do as a good human-being”
      • Trying for growth of individuals
      • Trying to utilize the individual growths for growth of the corporate
      • Trying to utilize the corporate growth for the social contributions